Join Speak Out – Become a Member
Anyone with an intellectual disability can become a full member of Speak Out. Membership is now FREE and for 2 years.
Its simple - just download the form, fill it in and send it back to us (the address to send it to is on the last page of the attached form) – click here.
Speak Out runs monthly self advocacy groups in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie; and has peer support groups across the state.
We get together to talk about issues that affect the lives of people with disabilities.
Issues like:
Government policies;
Employment; and
Membership benefits
The benefits of becoming a Member of Speak Out include:
You can nominate to be a regional representative and represent the people in your region;
Invitation to our Annual General Meeting and voting rights;
Receive our quarterly newsletter;
Priority to attend Self Advocacy Training Workshops; and
Invitations to consumer consultations and forums
We also offer three different types of memberships, which include individual full membership, friend of Speak Out membership and membership for organisations.
Membership types:
> Individual full membership
> Friends of Speak Out
> Organisation member
Membership Form
The 2019-2021 membership form is now available.
If you’d like more information about joining our organisation, or have any questions, please contact us via email at info@speakoutadvocacy.org.